HomeBlockchainRussian Opposition Leader Mark Feygin Initiates Blockchain-Powered Referendum on Vladimir Putin's Victory...

Russian Opposition Leader Mark Feygin Initiates Blockchain-Powered Referendum on Vladimir Putin’s Victory in Election


Russian Opposition Leader Launches Blockchain-Powered “Protest Vote” Against Putin

Exiled Russian Opposition Leader Launches Blockchain-Powered Protest Vote Against Putin

In the wake of Vladimir Putin’s controversial fifth term victory as Russian president, exiled opposition leader Mark Feygin is spearheading a groundbreaking effort to give Russians a voice through an anonymous, blockchain-powered protest vote against the current regime.

The election, which saw Putin secure a landslide victory with 87% of the vote, has been widely criticized as preordained and stage-managed, leading to accusations of a farcical democratic process. In response, Feygin and his team have developed the Russia2024 app, utilizing Rarimo’s Freedom Tool, to provide a secure and surveillance-proof platform for dissenting voices.

The app, which leverages the Arbitrum blockchain and zero-knowledge cryptography, allows users to register a protest vote against Putin without fear of reprisal. By scanning their passports with their phones to confirm their citizenship, voters can participate in the referendum anonymously, ensuring their identities remain untraceable.

“Dissent in Russia is growing more risky and public opinion harder to track,” Feygin stated. “It is critical that we provide reliable, surveillance-proof avenues for protest and polling. Russia2024 and its underlying technology has enabled that.”

The two-week voting period will allow Russians to express their discontent with the current regime, despite the lack of legal weight behind the results. The backers of the tool are confident in its security measures, assuring voters that they do not need to fear repercussions for participating.

Freedom Tool co-founder Lasha Antadze emphasized the decentralized nature of the voting system, highlighting its resilience against attacks or interference. The open-source technology is available to all, with the potential to revolutionize election processes globally by cutting costs and ensuring authenticity.

As the Russia2024 app prepares to relaunch on the Apple app store, the initiative represents a significant step towards empowering dissenting voices in a nation where political opposition can carry severe consequences. With the support of cryptography experts within Russia and international collaborators, the blockchain-powered protest vote offers a glimmer of hope for those seeking change in the face of authoritarian rule.


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